Bulgarian British Partnership
- Property for Sale in Bulgaria
Helping to bring out the best in Britain and the best in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian British Partnership is a UK based company, with Professionally Qualified Staff working in both the UK and Bulgaria.
Property for sale in Bulgaria;Language & Business Services
ABOUT DRAKA: Below you will find information about the Village of Draka and General Images of Draka. If you like Draka, we have a number of properties for sale in Draka.
Where is Draka?
Draka is a small village situated in the Municipalty of Sredets, south-eastern Bulgaria, in the region of Burgas - the Black Sea Coast part of Bulgaria. In the Village there is a Local Shop, Church (the Church is currently closed awaiting renovation works) and a Community Centre. Buses go from Draka to Sredets and Burgas twice a week. There is a small stream running through the village. It is a scenic and rural locality, yet well located for access to both Sredets and Burgas.
As at August 2012, there are less than 100 people living in Draka.
Draka is approximately 11 miles (approx. 17 km) from Sredets, where there is a very good range of shops, a Market twice a week, Hospital, Schools, etc.
Draka is approximately 32 miles (approx. 52km) from Burgas City and the Beach.
Below are some photographs taken of the Village of Draka, some of which have been taken within the last 12 months (2013) and some were taken within the last 5 years or so.
Draka is shown on the Map - circled in green.

Church in Draka

The Centre Square in Draka, where you can catch the Bus and where there is a Local Shop and Community Centre

The small blue boxes are Bee Hives. A few of the Villagers keep Bees and produce very good honey, which they give to friends and neighbours in the Village

Some of the Old Carts are still used in the Village today, drawn by either a Horse of a Donkey

It's not unusual to see Goats or Sheep being hurded down the Village roads in Draka.

A view across the Village from the garden of a property (we have this property for sale if you are interested! See Property Ref.6)

A Bulgarian couple from the Village

Some of the people in Draka keep Goats, Sheep and Chickens.

In Bulgaria cooking and eating often takes place in the garden
Draka sometimes gets snow in the winter. It is great to sit in front of a log fire when there's snow outside.

Mother and Kitten having an afternoon nap in Draka

Logs Stored ready for the Winter Months in Draka

Work Bench in a Cellar in Draka. The Cellars are cool in Summer.

A view down to the stream in Draka

Draka Community Centre
One of the houses in Draka

This is a typical Traditional Outbuilding that is sometimes used as a Summer House, or to store logs and preserves. This Outbuilding is for sale with a spacious house in Draka see Property Ref. 2

Cellars come in handy for Storing Preserves. Some people convert their Cellars to offer extra Accommodation or a Workroom.

A Typical Village House in Draka

Looking across the Village

Village Road through Draka.

A really old little house in Draka

Christmas in Draka

Poultry in a garden in Draka

A walk by the stream in Draka

Some of the houses in Draka

A Shepherd in Draka

Typical Traditional Village Rear Yard from Draka

Why is this cat sleeping on top of my bag!

Livestock from Draka

Eventide in Draka

Donkeys sometimes still work on the land in Draka

Dressing up the Donkeys in Draka
If you like Draka, we have property for sale in Draka. Please contact us to arrange viewings.
For a general overview about living in Bulgaria, please click here: