Bulgarian British Partnership
- Property for Sale in Bulgaria
Helping to bring out the best in Britain and the best in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian British Partnership is a UK based company, with Professionally Qualified Staff working in both the UK and Bulgaria.
Property for sale in Bulgaria;Language & Business Services
ASKING PRICE: 42,000 Euro)
Brief Description: Seaside Town Location, with beautiful sea views. Conveniently located, Regulated Plot of Land, a few hundred metres from the sea, with very pleasant sea & rural outlooks. Reasonably priced given its excellent location. 1,053 sq.metres.
A survey of this Land has not been undertaken. Services (For example, Water, Electricity, Gas, Sewerage,Cesspits,Septic Tanks, Telephones,etc) have not been tested,checked or confirmed. All comments made here are based on verbal enquiries/what was visually apparent at the date of our visit). We rely on Vendors to provide us with accurate information, however, if you are interested in buying/investing in this Bulgarian Property we strongly recommend that all details are verified via your Solicitor.
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If you would like to arrange to view this Bulgarian Property - please contact us. You might also be interested in considering our Property Related Services. We can help you to organise any building work you would like carried out.
Beautifully situated,corner sited, Plot of Land in the Seaside Town on Byala, which is approximately 50Km (31 Miles) from Varna and 70km (43 Miles) from Burgas.
An essentially level area of land - 1,053 sq.metres, with a slight gradient down from back to front - existing properties behind at higher level and in front - at lower level - providing a pleasant outlook. Looking to the left and in front -there are sea views (the beach being approximately 300 metres away). Looking to the right - there are rural scenes and the Balkan Mountains. We understand the subject Land was formerly a Grapevine but has since been regulated to enable the land to be built on (subject to Planning Permission).
Mains Electricity and Water are available in the vicinity to be connected up to the Plot.
Service Roads have yet to be constructed, but the existing Tracks are accessible.
Byala is a relatively small Seaside Resort - which makes it more attractive to Buyers who like to be close to the Sea and yet not in the busier,larger Seaside areas. Byla has miles of sandy beaches, a fascinating Archeologial Site,plenty of Shops and Restaurants. There is a regular Bus Service to Varna & Burgas.
Given close proximity to the Sea, pleasant and convenient situation, we feel this land is very reasonably priced.